EHES has earned the top spot in attendance in division 4. To celebrate, students have earned free dress for the week of October 15-18th!
5 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
ehes logo
Thanksgiving Luncheon Tickets on Sale October 15th (ONLINE)
5 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Thanksgiving Lunch
Join us for our Family Fitness this Friday during your child's P.E. times!
6 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Family Fitness Friday
Join us for our Walk and Roll to School on Wednesday, September 25th at 7 a.m. at Travis White Park.
6 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Flyer of Walk and Roll to school
We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair September 16th-20th. Come check it out!
6 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Scholastic Book Fair logo
Eastwood High Homecoming Week is September 16th-20th. Check out our dress up days!
6 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Dress up days: Monday, dot day, Tuesday Twin day, Wednesday, stranded day, Thursday World of colors, and Friday Dress in blue and gold
PTA General Meeting will be September 11th @ 5:30 p.m. in the Library
7 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Eastwood Heights Logo
Wear your Football Jersey on Thursday to Kick off the NFL Season!
7 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Wear your football jersey  Thursday Feb. 5th
Join us for Grandparents Day on September 9th! We look forward to celebrating with our wonderful grandparents!
7 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Grandparents Day Monday, September 9th
Welcome back to school! We will be celebrating with a dance during PE. Students will be able to purchase concessions.
7 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Back to School Dance Friday, August 23rd Concessions will be sold
Join us for Meet the Teacher on Thursday, July 25th!
8 months ago, Eastwood Heights ES
Meet the Teacher Flyer